Connected Fairground Families

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I believe Richard Sedgwick is the man beside the stairs helping the people down  on the film above? His father William i believe on the RHS of the stage looking very distinguished.

Richard Sedgwick,Frank Wilson's Brother in law
GG Grandparents Reuben John Matthews and Amy Parker

Stewart Family

Henry Wilkins Gess 1835-1903 the showman that operated Boxing Shows and Menagieries & Charlotte Penfold had a daughter Charlott 1861-1933 she married John Jack Stewart 1858. John then joined in the family tradition of operating Boxing shows on the fairgrounds. The two families Gess & Stewart continued their family connection to this present day. My mother Patience Gess has many happy memories of her youth staying on the winter grounds with her Stewart Cousins. This was reconnected by the marriage of her cousin Mary M Stewart (Polly) daughter of Alfred “Spider” Stewart to my fathers brother Frank Wilson so the bond was once again reunited.

Mary M "Polly" Wilson nee Stewart

Mary M " Polly" Wilson nee Stewart

Polly Wilson nee Stewart in her father Alfs Boxing Show